Folder Size
In this post we cover the way to create report on folder Size on your local PC. The interface Look like this :
1. The Tool
With this Tool I use XAML and WPF like all my others applications and in this I used LiveChart for create Charts in WPF. This tool can save the Charts to an image PNG
and you can export to an Excel
Sheet. I use the TreeView form @dev4sys read here how to customize TreeView Icon.
2. How to use it ?
The project is available on my github profile.The link for the download is here.
To use it you can first Unblock File or you use the Apps from [MVP] Damien Van Robaeys here ;-) …
get-ChildItem -recurse | Unblock-File
When you choose the Letter Disk the TreeView will refresh all folder you can’t to the card folder from different Letter Disk.
When you Click to Save Button the Apps export the current Active Windows to an PNG file.
And we have the file in the same Application’s directory.
- When you Click on Export the application export all the data to an
Excel Sheet
and it also save to the Application’s directory.
Written by Jérôme Bezet-Torres @JM2K69.