Folder Size

2018/09/26 | 1 minute read |

In this post we cover the way to create report on folder Size on your local PC. The interface Look like this :


1. The Tool

With this Tool I use XAML and WPF like all my others applications and in this I used LiveChart for create Charts in WPF. This tool can save the Charts to an image PNG and you can export to an Excel Sheet. I use the TreeView form @dev4sys read here how to customize TreeView Icon.

2. How to use it ?

The project is available on my github profile.The link for the download is here.

To use it you can first Unblock File or you use the Apps from [MVP] Damien Van Robaeys here ;-) …

get-ChildItem -recurse | Unblock-File
  • When you choose the Letter Disk the TreeView will refresh all folder you can’t to the card folder from different Letter Disk.

  • When you Click to Save Button the Apps export the current Active Windows to an PNG file.



And we have the file in the same Application’s directory.

  • When you Click on Export the application export all the data to an Excel Sheet and it also save to the Application’s directory.

Written by Jérôme Bezet-Torres @JM2K69.