Custom Hydration Wizard WPF 1.4 Release
I have update my Custom Wizard HydrationKit, I add another part Summary and i add some icons int Tabitem Header.
1. Design Change
I my TabItem I add some icon from Mahapps Icon.
To do this you must add TabItem Header Template
with a DataTemplate.
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<iconPacks:PackIconFontAwesome Kind="QuestionCircleRegular" Width="24" Height="24" Margin="0 12 0 0 "/>
<Label Margin="2 0 0 0" Content="VM Info" Foreground="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.ActiveBorderBrushKey}}"/>
## Your Content
2. Summary Part
In this summary you can observe all the changes you have made with the Custom Hydration Wizard.
3. How to download my Application
The script is available in my github repository Here.
Please don’t forget to Unblock Files
To use it you can first Unblock File
or you use the Apps from [MVP] Damien Van Robaeys here ;-) …
get-ChildItem -recurse | Unblock-File
4. Update 1809 ADK Problem
Be carefull if you use the latest ADK 1809 there is some problem with WPF
in WinPe
there is some workaround :
- @SeguraOSD Apply October CU to your WinPe 1809 only : Here
- @SeguraOSDCopy 1 file from ADK 1803 into your Boot.wim Here
Thanks to @SeguraOSD he make a very good job to find the real problem, it missing 2 Dll Files. You can find the blog post from is web site here.
You can use a PowerShell
script created by Nickolaj Andersen [MVP]. You can read the blog post a catch the PowerShell Script
Written by Jérôme Bezet-Torres @JM2K69.