Comic IT with MaterialDesign
Today a new Material Design application that allows to retrieve images on two websites
using RSS feeds
1. The Application
We can choose different setting :
- Language Setting
- Period Setting
Whe can choose the latest picture available on the web site or a random
2. My PowerShell function
In this project I create on function to work with RSS feeds
website. The Commitstrip web have 2 language available.
function Find-CommitStripImage {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
begin {
switch ($lang) {
'FR' {
$URLCommitStrip = ""
'EN' {
$URLCommitStrip = ""
Default {}
switch ($Random)
'No' {
$resquest =Invoke-RestMethod $URLCommitStrip
$Image = $(Invoke-WebRequest -uri $resquest[0].link).Images.src | where {$_ -like "**"}
[String]$Title = $resquest[0].title
$resquest =Invoke-RestMethod $URLCommitStrip
$NB = $resquest.Count
$PostNb=get-random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $NB
$Image = $(Invoke-WebRequest -uri $resquest[$PostNb].link).Images.src | where {$_ -like "**"}
[String]$Title = $resquest[$PostNb].title
[String]$Date = $resquest[$PostNb].pubDate
Default {}
end {
$myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
Image = $Image
Title = $Title
Date = $Date
return $myObject
If you want to execute in Powershell you will have this output :
PS C:\Users\JM2K69> Find-CommitStripImage -lang EN -Random No |fl
Image :
Title : A simple solution to a complex problem
Date :
PS C:\Users\JM2K69> Find-CommitStripImage -lang EN -Random Yes |fl
Image :
Title : One final detail
Date : Tue, 20 Nov 2018 15:03:00 +0000
With the parameter Random
to No we don’t have the date.
3. The Source
The application is available in my github repository Here.
4. Demo Time
Thanks for reading.
Written by Jérôme Bezet-Torres @JM2K69.